Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 08

..had probably been my best yet

My family are awesome and spending time with them is a joy (mostly). Sadly Dad has spent most of Christmas ill in bed with flu but the last couple of days he's been up a bit more and it's been lovely to spend a bit of time with him. Its hitting me a little how much I will miss them while Im away,so time together has been especially precious. There has been lots of laughing while we've been together and they're great.

I also got a few lovely christmas presents. I didnt really want much this year, but got a lovely watch, and some money so i've been able to get a few bits and pieces for my travels (for my travels??new clothes lol, hardly for travelling, just for me lol)

I also went to a lovely Christmas eve service at Portsmouth, and a freeeezing sunday morning service at Hedge End this morning. It is nice to do church with my family.

I may just be converted to liking Christmas...

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